Hootenanny's Music Inc


We stock Ernie Ball, Martin, GHS, DR, D'Addario, Black Diamond, Curt Mangan, Pyramid, StringJoy, Thomastik-Infeld, Alphayue, Super-Sensitive, Selene, LaBella, Savarez, Aquila and Augustine strings for steel-string and classical guitar, electric guitar, baritone guitar, bass guitar, resonator guitar, pedal steel, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, dulcimer, violin\fiddle,  and Latin American instruments. If we don't have them in stock, we will get them and carry them for you!


Our Services:

New, Used, Vintage, & Antique Instrument Sales

Guitar restringing and repair, acoustic and electric.

Amp Repair- Tube and Solid-State. Guitar, PA and Stereo

Band instruments and supplies

Parts- Many in stock, and if we don't have it, we can get it.

We really do believe our Bailey piano is haunted. We acquired it a few months after we opened. A customer asked if we wanted a free piano, or it was going to the dump. We picked it up from the porch of a rental house. Wayne rehabbed it a bit, just to get it playing reasonably well, when odd things started to happen in the store. Chairs and small objects moved, that sort of thing. We found the more the piano is played the greater the activity.  The spirits of a man and woman seem to be attached to it. They appear from time to time in the store, and make themselves known through knocking, opening and closing doors, and object manipulation (usually stealing tools and other small items, returning them days to months later). Fortunately, they are the friendly sort, and have never done anything even remotely harmful. Stop in and visit, you may get very lucky and meet them!

​​​Hootenanny's Music is the culmination of a dream. Two musicians, brought together by fate, began Hootenanny's to fulfill a need in their community for a friendly music store catering to fellow musicians of all budgets. We desired to share our love of music with everyone. We opened in Jasper, GA in June of 2017. It was a rather tenuous beginning, with a shoestring budget and high hopes. Gradually, musicians began to find us. More importantly, they gave us a chance. By fall of 2018 it was clear we had outgrown our tiny little shop. We packed up, lock, stock and eight pianos, and moved our entire inventory between Christmas and New Years 2019. Our new Ellijay location is four times the size, and just a short way from Rt. 515. Our inventory is always growing and changing, so whether you are a beginner or a pro, stop in, we would love to meet you, and above all:

Thank You for Your Support!

We are celebrating 7 years in business! Thank you North Georgia, and all of our friends near and far! We look forward to many more years of being YOUR music store!


Come and play our Haunted 1914 Bailey Piano!​